

Moyen amphi (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom)
Moyen amphi (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom)


16 Juin 2022


11h00 - 12h00

M.JOSE SANCHEZ: Dissipative entanglement generation between two qubits in cQED architectures

I will introduce an  entangled state generation protocol for a system of two qubits driven with an AC signal and coupled to a common  resonator. We explain the mechanism of entanglement generation in terms of an interplay between unitary Landau-Zener-Stückelberg (LZS) transitions, induced for appropriate frequencies and strong amplitudes of the applied microwave signal, and dissipative processes dominated by photon loss. In this way, we found that the steady state of the system can be tuned to be arbitrarily close to a Bell state, which is stable against photon loss.

The  proposal allows entangling distant and strongly driven qubits which are, for example, a microwave waveguide apart. Therefore, it is expected that our scheme could add a robust means to realize entanglement protocols in setups extensively used nowadays in cQED.