

Moyen amphi (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom)
Moyen amphi (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom)


16 Jan 2025


11h00 - 12h00

A.LATYSHEV: Voltage Fluctuations and Coulomb Drag in Capacitively Coupled Superconducting Nanowires and Josephson Junctions

I will explore the interplay between quantum phase slip (QPS) phenomena and transport properties in two distinct systems.

The first part focuses on a setup of two capacitively coupled ultrathin superconducting wires. It will be shown that QPS events in one wire induce voltage fluctuations in both wires, manifesting as dynamic voltage pulses propagating through both conductors. This stochastic process exhibits a zero mean voltage but nonzero non-equilibrium (shot) noise at finite frequencies. Additionally, the QPS-induced Coulomb drag effect in such systems is discussed. 

The second part is related to Coulomb drag effect in a system of capacitively coupled Josephson junctions. It will be demonstrated that biasing one resistively shunted Josephson junction by an external current one can induce a non-zero voltage drop across another such junction capacitively coupled to the first one. This quantum Coulomb drag is caused by cotunneling of magnetic flux quanta across both junctions which remain in the "superconducting" regime.