
Moyen amphi (LPS
Bât 510, Orsay (91)


14 Jan 2022


11h00 - 12h00

Valerio Sorichetti – Dynamics of nanoparticles in polydisperse polymer networks: From free diffusion to hopping

LPTMS, Université Paris-Saclay – CNRS

Using molecular dynamics simulations we study the static and dynamic properties of spherical nanoparticles (NPs) embedded in a disordered and polydisperse polymer network. Purely repulsive (RNP) as well as weakly attractive (ANP) polymer-NP interactions are considered. It is found that for both types of particles the NP dynamics at intermediate and at long times is controlled by the confinement parameter C=σN/λ, where σN is the NP diameter and λ is the dynamic localization length of the crosslinks. Three dynamical regimes are identified: i) For weak confinement (C≲1) the NPs can freely diffuse through the mesh; ii) For strong confinement (C≳1) NPs proceed by means of activated hopping; iii) For extreme confinement (C≳3) the mean squared displacement shows on intermediate time scales a quasi-plateau since the NPs are trapped by the mesh for very long times. Escaping from this local cage is a process that depends strongly on the local environment, thus giving rise to an extremely heterogeneous relaxation dynamics. The simulation data are compared with the two main theories for the diffusion process of NPs in gels. Both theories give a very good description of the C−dependence of the NP diffusion constant, but fail to reproduce the heterogeneous dynamics at intermediate time scales.

Cyrille Hamon vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.

Sujet : Zoom meeting invitation – Réunion Zoom de Cyrille Hamon
Heure : 14 janv. 2022 11:00 AM Paris

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ID de réunion : 898 0408 5144
Code secret : GuW7gE