4 Feb 13h30 Amphi Blandin (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom) Séminaire général : Ultrafast optical generation of coherent phonons: from semiconductors to multiferroic materials – Pascal RUELLO (Le Mans)
6 Feb 11h00 LPS, amphi moyen Arnaud RALKO. “Exploring Quantum Spin Liquids: Fractionalized Excitations and Emergent Orders”
13 Feb 11h00 Moyen amphi (LPS) + ONLINE (Zoom) Marko MILIVOJEVIĆ. Superconducting pairings and topology in Ising superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling: The example of NbSe2
19 Feb 0h00 Hbar - Amphi A1 Roberto Zenit (Brown University): Hydrodynamic instabilities in modern artistic painting