The IT Department is currently composed of 4 permanent staff.

Service Members:

Thi Hong Loan NGUYEN
Jérémie SAEN

He currently has the following major responsibilities:

-The security, integrity and availability of the information system;
- The elaboration of the budget of the service and the budgetary monitoring of the IT expenses placed under its responsibility,
- The administration and maintenance of the network services, The project management in the development of IT projects of collective interest for the
- laboratory or even for different teams or services in collaboration with functional project managers,
- Support in scientific computing (on an experimental basis).

The activities of the IT Department can thus be broken down into 4 main types:

-User Support (SU)
- Collective Projects (PC)
- Server and Network Maintenance, Fleet Management, Telecommunications (MSR)
- User Group Projects (PG)

The IT Department is placed under the authority of the Unit's management but its activities and missions are based on regular consultation with users through a permanent commission (COMINFO) composed of sector IT correspondents.
Service requests are made largely via a remote interaction tool "user-IT department".

The Laboratory of Solid State Physics is also classified as an Establishment with a Restrictive Regime" and has been recognized as an "Automated Information Processing Center" (CATI) in view of the evolution of its interactive and remote activities. The IT environment is cross-platform (Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac). The fleet is of 500 machines about more than 1800 sockets available. A sector-specifically targeted Wi-Fi installation is located there.