On the 17th of October, the Académie des Sciences awarded the 2023 Prix d’Aumale to Charis Quay, maîtresse des conférences at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay).
Charis Quay’s studies quantum phenomena at the intersection of spin(-orbit) physics and mesoscopic superconductivity. She has worked on multifarious hybrid nanostructures ranging from cleaved-edge-overgrowth GaAs quasi-1D hole wires, metal spin valves and tunnel junctions, to carbon nanotube- and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD)-based devices. In 2017, she was awarded a CNRS Bronze Medal for her work on non-equilibrium quasiparticle spins in mesoscopic superconductors: demonstration of spin-charge separation and spin resonance, and (later) evidence for spin-dependent heat transport. More recently, she has begun to study superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling, with the goal of manipulating the spin degree of freedom of the superconducting condensate; she is the coordinator of an ANR project on this topic.
Presentation of the Prix d’Aumale to Charis Quay under the dome of the Institut de France.
Credits: Christine Magne
The Prix d’Aumale, created in 1886, is an annual prize of the duc d’Aumale’s Foundation; it is awarded on the recommendation of the five Academies which make up the Institut de France. The Academy of Sciences, for whom the prize is “intended to encourage those who devote themselves to a scientific career”, awards it every five years.